Thursday, June 10, 2010

What is not boring???

HEY BLOG FANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing exciting is happening today so you might as well skip this blog.......but if your nice enough to comtinue reading than please do.................................................... Thanks for continuing fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway,my mom is coming home from L.A tomorrow!!!!!!! I get to see her and my doggie!!!!!!!!!!! If you read my past blog called Friends,then you'd know my dog Shredder.Shredder is at her friends house!!!!!!! The wierd thing is....her friend is 10 times her size!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I don't care,as long as shes having fun with her friend! I found out yesterday who I'm taking to the swimming field trip to Bear Creek Pool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm taking Dollie,Noodles and my friend Fedichini Lover!!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But nothing else is really going on so uhhhhh.......PC and ummmmmm SEE YA NEXT TIME LOVING BLOG FANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Yay Day!!!!!!!

Hey blog fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today I'm writing this blog at my friend Cupcake's house!!!! Noodles is here too but shes very useless,remember that project I told you about? Yeah I'm helping her with hers because I'm already done mine!!!!!!!!!! This is so's my first June blog post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway I'm really hungry so this post is gonna be short and quick....hmmmmm what else is going on in my life? Well I thought my "friend" Flower was being mean to me but now I think she feels sorry and wants to apologize!!!!!!!!!! Anyway no offence Cupcake but she wasnt really acting like my BFFAWISFIMF because she gave her secret personal blog to FLOWER AND TNA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well I have a field trip coming up so on my next blog post I'll tell you 'bout that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See ya blog fans!!!!!!!!!! PC(please comment)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE