Sunday, May 30, 2010

My Friends :)

Well blog fans,as I promised ,just like my friend J- I mean Cupcake,I am going to write a blog about my awesome friends one at a time!!!!!!!!!

Noodles:Noodles sure doesn't talk much and shes affended by almost EVERYTHING I say!!!!! But she always gives me time to think about things thats on my mind,then I just HAPPEN to be saying them outloud to her! She's the kind of person that prefers listning over talking!

Cupcake:Cupcake is as sweet A CUPCAKE!!!!!! She's my TWIN,MY SISTER,MY CLONE!!!!!! She's always there for me and its like she reads my mind-twin telepathy-!!!!!! She feels what I feel and she understands things that other people don't!

Jessie:Okay THIS GIRL IS ODD!!! But that's the best thing about her!! She makes me angry and laugh at the same time!!! I don't know how she does it,but shes one heck of a friend!!!

Blabbermouth:This girl is made for two things ! 1:Gossiping 2: Talking.... I mean really. sometimes she gets on my nerves......but shes fun too be around and is really outgoing and uhhh the OPPOSITE of shy......she's UNSHY.

Vampire:There's a reason I call this girl Vampire.Not because she's Asian,not because she smiles ALL the time but because of her FANGS!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean really....HAVE YOU SEEN THIS GIRLS INCISSERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But shes a great friend!Fun to walk around the school with and

TNA:Tna is three things. 1:Cute 2:Tiny 3:Cute AND tiny.Her cheeks puff up when she laughs or smiles! Its soo funny!!!!!!! But she is outgoing understanding and a role model ALL at the same time!!!!!!!!!! I could gossip with her and she wouldn't tell ANYBODY,I could cry on her shoulder and she'd be there for me!

Shredder:Now your probably thinking 'Why would Kara nickname a HUMAN FRIEND Shredder?' The thing is.....Shredder isn't a human!!!!!! She's cute loveable and VERY VERY HAIRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shes's my doggie!!!!!!!!! She knows how to cheer me up with kisses!!!!-That's also how she gets me out of bed-I don't know WHAT I would my life would be like without Shredder-Oh yeah my shoes wouldn't have any holes in them!! But I'd be VERY lonely!

I have many friends but I think i will run out of space! So bye blog fans!!!!!!!! see ya next time!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE COMMENT -as usual-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

1 comment:

  1. mwuahahaha i am a VAMPIRE xDD hee hee Kara Bear u better beon msn in whisler xPP
